Thursday, April 17, 2008

Today's Forex News

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Better forex trading

by Daniel Wine

Forex traders often ask for free markets overview and market snapshot. supply real time information allowing traders to stay updated with the current status of their financial investments. This information is not limited to a single market but includes a summary of European markets and Latin markets among other. 10 forex also provide many useful charts displaying current and past movement in currencys rates.

The most beneficial tool presents is the comprehensive glossary. Since forex trading often result a major losses it is important that those who want to trade would be able to understand every basic concept. Whether its a pip or a point, or a zero coupon bond, Its all in the glossary. Beginners, doing their first steps in the forex trading world wold highly benefit from reading the glossary. All this knowledge makes 10 forex .com a great resource for forex traders.

Forex trading is a stressful activity. Traders risk their money, often gaining loses. One helpful way to decrease stress and increase chances for profit is gaining as much knowledge as possible. 10 forex .com helps traders all around the globe increase the ability to understand forex and to have all the tools needed to trade. Connect now to, start learning and improve your trading skills.

Daniel is a well known forex trader created a fortune as he developed a unique system. Daniel writes for several forex web sites.

Let's Talk About Forex

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Moreover, Forex day trading has superior liquidity. The foreign currency exchange market is the largest financial market in the world. This results in fair prices and narrow spreads. Stock liquidity is reduced after regular trading hours. Foreign exchange trading does not exhibit this problem because the currency market is open around the clock. Not only just the liquidity and round the clock market, but due to electronic Forex day trading instant entries and exits are coupled with trading globally.

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The Forex trading is perhaps the largest financial market in the world, with a daily average turnover of approximately $1.5 trillion. Foreign Exchange is the simultaneous buying of one currency and selling of another. The world's currencies are on a floating exchange rate and are always traded in pairs, for example EUR/USD or USD/JPY or USD/INR etc.
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Forex Trading strategies Stories

Venezuela OKs new windfall oil tax

Wed, 16 Apr 2008 04:31:56 EDT
Read full story for latest details.



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The gross domestic product,or GDP,is another economic indicator used when looking at the foreign exchange market. The GDP is considered the widest and broadest measure of the economy in a country. The gross domestic product represents the total market value of all goods and services that are normally produced within any given country. This is usually measured in the time frame of a year, and not in weeks or months. Using a larger time period gives good statistics on the products and services that are produced in the country. This indicator is not used alone when forecasting the Forex. The GDP is considered a lagging indicator, meaning that is a measurable factor that changes after the economy has already began to follow a certain trend.

foreign exchange trading

Spot FX transactions are usually based on currency rates quoted for two-day settlement (U.S. dollar versus Canadian dollar is traded for one-day settlement), in order In contrast to exchange transactions with real supply or real currency the participants of FOREX use trading with a margin deposit; i.e. marginal or leverage trading. In marginal trading, each transaction has two obligatory stages (they can be divided by period of time, which can be as long as you like): buying (selling) of currency at one price, and then selling (buying) it at another (or at the same) price. The first transaction is called opening the position, the second one, closing the position.Opening a position, a trader furnishes a deposit sum from 0.5 to 4 per cent of the credit line, granted for the transaction. So, in order to buy or sell 100,000 US dollars for Japanese yens, you will not need the whole sum, but only from 500 to 2000 US dollars depending on your policy of controlling risks. When the position is closed, the deposit sum returns, and calculation of profits or losses is done. All the profit or losses caused by the change of currency rates is credited on your account.
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EUR/GBP and GBP/JPY have a value as the leading indicators of EUR/USD and USD/JPY moves. EUR/CHF is similar to EUR/GBP in forecasting value but stopped trading and looking at it a long ago after experiencing difficulties in running good sized positions there.
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Forex charting is nothing but a software program specially designed to trade forex efficiently and effectively. Forex charting makes understanding the rises and falls of rates clear and simple. As a tool for your investments, Forex charting comes in handy all the time. You need to see where the market is going and, as a result, understand what leads to these fluctuations. Studying Forex charting helps you anticipate the occurrences that will spurn the next change.

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Perhaps, in terms of trading volume, the currency exchange market is the world's largest market, with daily trading volumes in excess of $1.5 trillion US dollars (although the figures may differ, but this is just an approximation to show its importance). One thing is for sure that in orders of magnitude it is much larger than the bond or stock markets. For example, the New York Stock Exchange has a daily trading volume of approximately $50 billion. So you can easily imagine its importance in the trading world of today. Moreover, contrary to earlier thoughts, currency trading is not limited to just larger organizations and other large banks and financial institutions, but open to everyone who has enough expertise and determination to hard work.
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For the beginner, FX FOREX currency trading the popular currency pairs are Euro dollar and the US dollar (EUR/USD) or the British pound and the Japanese yen (GBP/JPY).
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Most of these can be quite complicated for those who are inexperienced using the Forex. Most professional Forex brokers understand these charts and have the ability to offer their clients well-informed advice about Forex trading.
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Union: Venezuela to nationalize steel

Wed, 09 Apr 2008 12:35:12 EDT
Read full story for latest details.
