Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Today's Forex And Forex Trading News

Featured Forex Day Trading Article

Win Big Time In The Forex market With This Amazing Forex Strategy System II

How To Take A Loss

Brett N. Steenbarger, Ph.D.

There are quite a few books written on how to make money in the market. Some of them are even written by people who have made money as traders! What you don't see often, however, are books or articles written on how to lose money. �Cut your losers and let your winners run� is commonsensical advice, but how do you determine when a position is a loser? Interestingly, most traders I have seen don't formulate an answer to this question when they put on a position. They focus on the entry, but then don't have a clear sense of exit�especially if that exit is going to put them into the red.

One of the real culprits, I have to believe, is in the difficulty traders have in separating the reality of a losing trade from the psychological sense of feeling like a loser. At some level, many traders equate losing with being a loser. This frustrates them, depresses them, makes them anxious�in short, it interferes with their future decision-making, because their P & L is a blank check written against their self-esteem. Once a trader is self-focused and not market focused, distortions in decision-making are inevitable.

A particularly valuable section of the classic book Reminiscences of a Stock Operator describes Livermore 's approach to buying stock. He would sell a quantity and see how the stock responded. Then he would do that again and again, testing the underlying demand for the issue. When his sales could not push the market down, then he would move aggressively to the buy side and make his money.

What I loved about this methodology is that Livermore's losses were part of a grander plan. He wasn't just losing money; he was paying for information. If my maximum position size is ten contracts in the ES and I buy the highs of a range with a one-lot, expecting a breakout, I am testing the waters. While I am not potentially moving the market in the way that Livermore might have, I still have begun a test of my breakout hypothesis. I then watch carefully. How are the other averages behaving at the top ends of their range? How is the market absorbing the activity of sellers? Like any good scientist, I am gathering data to determine whether or not my hypothesis is supported.

Suppose the breakout does not materialize and the initial move above the range falls back into the range on some increased selling pressure. I take the loss on my one-lot, but then what happens from there?

The unsuccessful trader will respond with frustration: �Why do I always get caught buying the highs? I can't believe �they� ran the market against me! This market is impossible to trade.� Because of that frustration�and the associated self-focus�the unsuccessful trader does not take any information away from that trade.

In the Livermore mode, however, the successful trader will see the losing one-lot as part of a greater plan. Had the market broken nicely to the upside, he would have scaled into the long trade and likely made money. If the one-lot was a loser, he paid for the information that this is, at the very least, a range-bound market, and he might try to find a spot to reverse and go short in order to capitalize on a return to the bottom end of that range.

Look at it this way: If you put on a high probability trade and the trade fails to make you money, you have just paid for an important piece of information: The market is not behaving as it normally, historically does. If a robust piece of economic news that normally sends the dollar screaming higher fails to budge the currency and thwarts your purchase, you have just acquired a useful bit of information: There is an underlying lack of demand for dollars. That information might hold far more profit potential than the money lost in the initial trade.

I recently received a copy of an article from Futures Magazine on the retired trader Everett Klipp, who was dubbed the �Babe Ruth of the CBOT�. Klipp distinguished himself not only by his fifty-year track record of trading success on the floor, but also by his mentorship of over 100 traders. Speaking of his system of short-term trading, Klipp observed, �You have to love to lose money and hate to make money to be successful�It's against human nature what I teach and practice. You have to overcome your humanness.�

Klipp's system was quick to take profits (hence the idea of hating to make money), but even quicker to take losses (loving to lose money). Instead of viewing losses as a threat, Klipp treated them as an essential part of trading. Taking a small loss reinforces a trader's sense of discipline and control, he believed. Losses are not failures.

So here's a question I propose to all those who enter a high-probability trade: �What will tell me that my trade is wrong, and how could I use that information to subsequently profit?� If you're trading well, there are no losing trades: only trades that make money and trades that give you the information to make money later.


Let's Talk About Forex

foreign exchange rate

I guess if you are a daytrader, 30 minute and 15 minute candle charts and line charts in combination with MACD and MA could be more useful than hourly charts or even daily charts. Especially watch out for the down-sign and up-sign with long tails in candle charts and confirmation of the change of short-term trend in line charts breaking accumulation area in these charts. If you are a nimble trader, even a candle-sign is enough to start moving in with stops above or below the long tail end. For dollar/yen trade, read swiss/yen, pound/yen and euro/yen together to confirm the top or bottom. For Eurodollar or dollar/swiss trade, read pound/swiss and euro/pound together to confirm the same. If you are a daytrader, what matters is the flow of that particular day, not the bull or bear bias, so, 30 Min and 15 Min Candle Charts and Line charts are not bad tools to follow these flows. Good trades.

foreign exchange students

Experts who watch the oil market are split on which way oil prices are headed, and just how far. A little over a year ago, most pundits agreed that $40 a barrel was the upper limit for a barrel of crude oil. At the year's beginning, oil had already broken that point, and was selling at $42.50 a barrel. The vagaries of the weather, world politics and actual capacity to meet demands have fueled one of the most volatile pricing years in recent memory. At one point, the price of crude broke $70 a barrel, an increase of 65% over the beginning of the year. And while prices dropped for a short period, at the end of the year, they were still 45% higher than at the beginning of the year. Since the turn of the year, prices have begun their climb again, and the majority of traders believe that we won't see a reversal of that trend in the near future. The conservative predict a price of $80 per barrel. The more aggressive are calling it at $100.

forex currency trading

There are risks in trading foreign currencies. Like any investment, forex investing carries substantial risk. You can lose all of your money and foreign currency trading can be extremely volatile. Make sure you thoroughly research futures trading and foreign exchange trading entirely before setting off on your adventure.

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Economic factors and indicators are released by the government or by private organizations that can look in depth at economic performances. These indicators can be used to analyse economic performances from any country. The economic reports measure a country's economic health, in addition to government policies and current events.

Forex Day Trading Stories

Euro marts rise on oil's fall

Fri, 13 Oct 2006 15:53:00 GMT
LONDON: European stock markets advanced yesterday, with falling oil prices helping lift the London and Paris exchanges towards five-year highs, dealers said.

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